Environment And Climate Action
Climate change affects the poorest and most marginalized groups on the planet the hardest. Climate change means the loss of livelihoods and well-being for millions of marginalized people. Nepal’s Climate Change Policy (2019) envisions socio-economic prosperity through the development of climate-resilient societies. The policy provides for the investment of over 80% of climate funds at the local level on mitigation, adaptation, and policy-making. However, gender-based inequalities make it difficult for women from marginalized populations to access this process. Climate change impacts will further deepen the gender gap. Addressing unequal power dynamics and constraints can enable marginalized women and communities to embrace transformative climate solutions and strengthen their resilience.
NMWWS works to reduce the gender gap and capacitate marginalized women. We work with marginalized communities to increase knowledge and to prepare for and adapt to climate change. NMWWS focuses on increasing the capacity of marginalized women to provide them with civic space in local, regional, and national level decision-making processes related to climate change and to influence policies. We work with women and youth-led groups to advocate for climate justice for the most vulnerable, poor, and marginalized groups.