Women’s Leadership and Political Participation

Women’s representation in every sector/structure of the state and non-state is significantly lower than their male counterparts in Nepal. Their leadership and political participation are restricted. Women face several obstacles to participating in political life. This problem is further compounded for women from marginalized communities, such as Muslims, Dalits, and Madheshis. They are more marginalized and excluded as intersecting forms of discrimination burgeon in the existing patriarchal mindset.

After the elections in 2017, Nepal is taking steps toward gender and social inclusion, ending the age-old patriarchal and exclusionary processes. Women are required to participate in parliament at a rate of 33%.However, the influence of women in decision-making is limited. Women are more subordinate to their male counterparts. Access to political positions for poor and marginalized women from remote rural areas is still a big challenge. NMWWS works to empower marginalized women and girls, increase awareness of their rights given by the constitution, and capacitate them with feminist leadership. Women’s political participation is central to gender equality and human rights.